Parent and Guardian Roles

Parents and Guardians have an important role to play in the safe and efficient operation of the transportation department. You can help promote the safety of all students in many ways. The following are helpful to discuss with your children:

• Teach the importance of good behavior on the bus.

• Remind the students of the bus rules and the responsibilities of riding on the bus. Make sure your children know the bus rules and the consequences for inappropriate conduct on the bus.

• Be at your bus stop five (5) minutes before scheduled bus time and wait in an appropriate manner for the bus. Accompany the smaller children to the bus stop and meet them on the return to home.

• Limit the amount of items students have to carry on the bus. Large musical instruments, large school projects and multiple small items should be brought in by the parent.

• Remind the students that they are not to get off at a bus stop that is not theirs. If the driver misses their stop, inform the driver so that they are brought back to their stop. Parents and Guardians are needed to ensure the safety of all students in their buses.

Bus Ruules